My Work for Quiet Lunch Magazine

Back in February I was asked by Quiet Lunch Magazine, which I must say is a great place for all things cool, to do a little side project for them. I was going to be a live tweeter basically giving people carte blanche to the behind the scenes of an interview. This interview was with Shinobi Ninja an amazing band filled with truly awesome people. Read the Quiet Lunch’s interview right HERE. They did a great job of capturing the essence of the band in their article. Below is their interview:

This will tell you everything you need to know about Shinobi Ninja check out their shop HERE.

Here is a gallery of some behind the scenes stills that I was able to take and tweet out as we were doing the actual interview. This was an amazing experince for meand i look to live tweet again. It brings a new level to what ever production you are doing. Enough about that here is the gallery:

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These are all pictures I took with my phone and tweeted live to all of the Quiet Lunch‘s followers check their twitter HERE. You can also check out Shinobi Ninja‘s twitter HERE.

It was a pleasure getting to work with so many talented people, I also got a free show out of it which I will embed below this paragraph. Shinobi Ninja showed the Quiet Lunch and I much love and they were great hosts while we were at their studio. If you ever have the time go see them live they have a great stage presence which is undeniable. You will see how hard they go just for us so think of what they do live. I will stop rambling and give you the goods so here is the little show they put on for just you Quiet Lunch readers.

Thanks for checking on my work something awesome is coming up real soon which I can’t wait to share. Hope you enjoy the behind the scenes.

Thanks to:
Quiet Lunch Magazine
Shinobi Ninja:

Best Regards,

Behind The Scenes With Phil Nash

Awesome behind the scenes photos.

Clown Car Productions' Blog

Above are some behind the scenes pictures.

Last month Phil Nash shot a music video with Clown Car Productions. It turned out to be a fun event for all particpants and great footage was aquired. In the mini gallery above you can see how intensive yet professional CCP is. If you are looking for production work drop us a line anytime. We want to make magic happen and have fun doing it, if that is your attidue then come on by.

The music video is in the works and it is for his song Still Waiting which you can hear right HERE. Check out Phil’s website: /

Stay tuned the video will be coming to an internet near you in the near future. Stay tuned for more information on Phil and Clown Car Productions.

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Clown Car Productions Introduces: Phil Nash


Clown Car Productions' Blog

Phil Nash Promo

Clown Car Productions is working with Phil Nash on his music video. Phil is also part of CCP and is one of the creative minds behind all that come out of Clown Car. Phil has put out multiple albums and singles and is a real up and comer in the music industry. On top of having fun at all of his shoots he is also a partner in Clown Car Productions.

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Today I meet with well connected individual who owns his own studio. This studio is a gigantic 400,000 sq’ and can house any style of project you want. It is called The Art Factory and it is located right here in North Jersey. Check out their Facebook too. They will be able to house any style of event, photo shoot, or art project. Check out out their picture:


This picture hardly conveys the magnitude of The ART Factory. This place is phenomenal and is surprisingly affordable. If you are a artist, videographer, producer, or anything media related this is the place to check out. Stay tuned for more information.


New Projects

I am starting two new projects. Firstly i want to ham up my first project running the social media side of Clown Car Productions. They are a great group of three young men willing to go above and beyond for each project. Check out their Facebook here, their Twitter here, and their blog here.

Right now everything you see up has been thrown together by my to get the ball rolling on getting the word out about a new production company. Clown Car Productions will be a force to reckon with coming soon. They have the skills to make any style of video you could desire.

Check out the logo I made for the time being:

Basic Logo Beveled copy

The second project will be in a post to come. So stay tuned.

Best Regards,
